Cutting Grass And Brush Hogging
From cutting the front and back yard to brush hogging fields and small trees, it seems like a small fete until you have to do it.
It amazes me how dismissive people can be when they think what you do is easy….until they’re asked to do it. There has to be a disconnect for people who aren’t used to doing this particular type of work.
I’m not saying cutting grass is the most difficult job in the world, but if you do it right, it’s more than just walking and/or riding back and forth until all the grass is cut. Or is it?
I saw a work truck pulling a trailer and a lawn mower with a sign on the side door that said something to the effect of, ‘All we do is grass’. I almost had to catch myself because it seemed too simple a concept. What if I could just start a business JUST CUTTING GRASS without having to worry about the shrubs, or anything else. Then I realized that it might also include edging and weed-eating. STILL! It’d be like an a la carte version of yard businesses.
I thought back to those times when I’d be on my Massey Ferguson 135 driving around someone’s tall weeds in a field or even back yard. I’d have to be careful not to drive over a well or sewer that was just covered up. Sometimes there’s debris that can make the rest of your day very difficult, like wiring getting wrapped around the cutter, running over blocks of wood that can be kicked out (possibly damaging someone’s property), or accidentally driving into a weed-hidden ditch that you didn’t see was that daggone deep.
Hazards can anywhere and sometimes you don’t have the luxury of knowing everything about your own yard, much less someone else’s. What doesn’t get talked about is all the times you get smacked in the face by branches, stung by a swarm of bees, yellow jackets (or whatever those were) and even being stuck by briers AKA blackberry bushes.
Grass is not just grass all the time and sometimes people know it. They may just not want to go back out there and subject themselves to the assault, which is understandable. I guess my whole point to all this is to not make it more complex than necessary, yet don’t take this stuff too lightly.
Handy Mr H
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