Handy Mr. Howard

Everyman's Handy Hacks

About Handy Mr. Howard

A few years before I went off to college, my dad would always say, “You better learn a trade.” It turned out to be some of the best advice I ever got. After college it so happened that I would need a different type of work ethic.

Over the years, I kinda followed in my father’s footsteps and made sure I was around people who were resourceful, motivated and made mistakes that could be fixed. The more you fix, the more you know how to fix…and when you own a house things need to be maintained, repaired or replaced.

My goal is to have a place where I can showcase a few things I’ve picked up in the different spaces I’ve occupied over the years cleaning, farming, breaking, fixing and Honey-Doin’.

That being said, I’ve been around enough people out there in so many different fields that I’m more-so looking forward to all the learning I’ll be doing  too.

So, where possible, join the group or keep in touch somehow and lend us a piece of your expertise.  If you’re here to see if there is anything in it for you, give me some time and you may see something at least a little differently.